Feature your stories on Preplaced channels

People love hearing stories. Prospective mentees too want to hear the story of their future mentor. Hence every month, we feature mentor stories across various channels.

We help mentors create personal story videos to build trust and credibility around their profiles. Here are some examples:

  1. Mentor’s career journey

  2. Day in a life of the mentor

  3. Why mentorship?

  4. Career & insightful mentorship experiences

  5. Success stories

These videos will further feature across various Preplaced channels giving mentors a chance to attract more mentees. Below are the places:

  • Your profile (Resources section)

  • Youtube

  • Linkedin

  • Instagram

  • Preplaced newsletter

  • Become a mentor page

  • Community

Fill out the below form to feature your story. Our team will reach out to you to help create your personal video.

Apply for a slot

Need Support?In case you have any questions, do reach out to us by dropping a message in the chatbot or sending a mail to marketing@preplaced.in.

Last updated