Mentee Placement Reward

Congratulations on getting your mentee placed!

You can mark the placement status of your mentee from your dashboard. Long Term Mentees -> Click on the name of mentee -> go to Goals -> in the right side find button "mark mentee placed"

Once you complete the form your mentee will be informed about it and your placement mentee count in your profile will automatically Increase

Claim Placement Reward - up to 10000/- INR

Eligibility: Only applicable over multi month package or when a mentee has spend atleast 2 months of preparation under you.

Process: Steps to follow for claiming the reward

Step 1: Fill the form to mark your mentee placed from your dashboard

Step 2: Publish a LinkedIn Post

  • You can congratulate your mentee and share your mentorship experience. (Sharing an image of your chat or testimonial by your mentee generally gets much higher post reach)

  • Make sure to tag Preplaced so that we can verify the post.

  • Add the link of LinkedIn post from your dashboard

Step 3: Ask your mentee to book a "Mentor Appreciation Call" with Preplaced team

Step 4: You get up to 10000/- reward

  • Referral Reward = get a reward of 5000/- if you have referred your mentee to a company which led to a successful placement

  • Interview Help Reward = get a reward of 5000/- INR if you have helped your mentee with interviews for getting a job offer

  • In total you can earn a reward of up to 10000/- INR

Benefits of claiming your reward

  1. Testimonial video added in mentor profile

  2. LinkedIn appreciation post by Preplaced

  3. Cash Reward up to 10000/- INR


  1. We will reach out to your mentee for the final confirmation and create a custom thank-you video for your profile page.

  2. You will receive the 10k reward within the next 2-3 working days, once the post link is verified & we have collected the testimonial video.

Terms & Conditions: Reward Program

  1. Mentee Qualification:To qualify for rewards, the mentee must actively engage in the mentorship program for a minimum of two month.

  2. Reward Eligibility:Rewards will be granted upon successful completion of all program requirements.

Last updated