Picking the right topic

One of the most important decisions when it comes to conducting a group session is choosing a relevant and engaging topic. The topic you choose will set the tone for the session and determine how much your mentees will benefit from it. In this article, we will guide you through some essential guidelines for selecting the best group session topic that will help your mentees gain valuable insights and skills.

Guidelines for picking a topic

🀝 Know your mentees' needs: The first step in selecting a topic is to understand the needs of your mentees. Get to know their experience, skills, and challenges, and determine what they hope to achieve from the session.

🎯 Keep it focused: Choose a specific topic that is focused on a particular aspect of your mentees' domain or role.

🌍 Be current: Ensure that the topic aligns with the current trends and developments in your mentees' industry or role.

πŸ’¬ Make it interactive: To keep your mentees engaged and interested, choose a topic that allows for interaction and participation. Encourage discussions, brainstorming, and sharing of experiences to make the session more engaging and valuable.

Now that you understand the guidelines for selecting the best group session topic, here are some topics we suggest:

  • How to Ace Your Role/Domain Job Interview

  • Develop a Strong Role/Domain Portfolio and Showcase Your Skills

  • Best Practices for Answering Technical and Behavioural Questions

  • Tips for showcasing your problem-solving skills

  • What to expect in your Role/Domain interview and how to prepare

  • Building and optimizing your resume and projects to impress interviewers

  • Tips for showcasing your past work experience in interviews

  • Tips and tricks for effectively communicating with non-technical interviewers

  • Tips for effectively communicating your vision and strategy

  • Answering questions with real-world problems

  • Getting placed at Company Name

  • Introduction to Concept

πŸ’‘ It's important to remember that these are just suggested topics, choose a topic that aligns with your mentees' needs and interests. Get creative and think outside the box when selecting a topic for your group mentorship session.

Guidelines for writing the description

πŸ“ Keep it concise: The description should be brief and to the point. It should highlight the main objective of the session and what mentees can expect to learn.

πŸ—£οΈ Use clear language: Use clear and concise language that is easy to understand. Avoid using technical jargon that might confuse mentees.

πŸ’ͺ Highlight the benefits: Clearly state what mentees can gain from attending the session. Focus on the skills, knowledge, and insights they will gain that can help them improve in their roles or domains.

πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ Include interactive elements: If the session includes any interactive elements, such as discussions or activities, make sure to highlight them in the description. This can help entice mentees to attend the session and engage fully in the learning experience.

🀩 Be engaging: The description should be engaging and capture the interest of mentees. Use a hook or a catchy opening sentence to grab their attention.

πŸ” Proofread: Finally, make sure to proofread the description for any spelling or grammatical errors. A well-written and error-free description can make a positive first impression and encourage mentees to attend the session.


Title: Tips for Showcasing Your Problem-Solving Skills

Description: In this group mentorship session, we will explore strategies and best practices for showcasing your problem-solving skills in interviews and on the job. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting your career, problem-solving skills are essential to success in any role. We will cover topics such as how to approach complex problems, how to communicate your thought process, and how to showcase your problem-solving skills through examples and case studies. You will learn practical tips and techniques that you can apply in your role or domain to tackle challenges with confidence and creativity. Join us for an interactive and engaging session that will help you improve your problem-solving skills and stand out in your field.

🀞 We hope these guidelines and topic suggestions will help you choose the best topic for your next group mentorship session. Remember, the key is to select a topic that is relevant, engaging, and provides valuable insights and skills to your mentees.

Last updated