Suggest LTM Mentees to Upgrade/Renew Package

We have launched a new feature that allows mentor to suggest mentees to upgrade or renew their exisiting Long Term Mentorship with you.

To suggest Upgrade/Renewal you should login to your mentor dashboard.

  1. Go to Long Term Mentees -> Click on the long term mentee whom you wan to suggest renewal

  2. Go to Overview -> Click on "see what you can do"

Step 1

In the last 7 days of your ongoing package you will see the below popup.

  • When mentee has a 1 month plan ending you will see option to Suggest Upgrade

  • When mentee has a 3 month or 6 month program ending you will see option to Suggest Renewal

Step 2

You have to fill the following details

  • Select a mentee = Name of the mentee whom you want to suggest renewal/upgrade

  • Let you mentee know why should they renew & how you can help further = Your message

  • Additional Discount = You can share an existing discount coupon to give discounts

  • How long should your mentee renew? = Suggest mentee the ideal duration they will take to reach their goals

Hurray! you have successfully suggested LTM mentee to Renew or Upgrade their package

How we showcase your renewal/upgrade suggestion to mentee? Check below

Last updated