Add your "mentor" tag & profile link on Linkedin

Your Linkedin profile already gets hundreds of views every week. It is highly likely that people viewing your profile would like to talk to you and even get mentored by you.

Here’s how you can start attracting mentees from your Linkedin Bio:

  1. Add the word “mentor” in your bio.

    1. This helps people know that you are available for mentorship.

    2. E.g.

  2. Add your profile link to your Linkedin bio.

    1. This will help you get a decent number of profile views consistently (a key factor in ranking) and start getting mentees.

    2. E.g.

  3. Add "Mentor" at Preplaced in your experience / volunteering

    1. You automatically start appearing in the Linkedin search when someone searches for a mentor.

    2. E.g. 1

c. E.g. 2

d. E.g. 3

Last updated